Bankruptcy attorney Roland Kedikian has been helping individuals and businesses file for Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy since 1997. If you are considering Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, call and learn from an experienced bankruptcy attorney about your options and make an informed decision. For a free, detailed consultation, contact bankruptcy attorney Roland Kedikian and begin the fresh start you deserve, or complete our online free estimate form. Our Law Firm practices bankruptcy law exclusively.
We are dedicated to providing quality and affordable bankruptcy services. We deliver bankruptcy solutions that eliminate debt and protect your assets so that you can keep your home and vehicle. We have been helping debtors file for bankruptcy since 1997 and we can help you.
Service You Want at the Price You Can Afford
* $338 Filing Fee paid to the court and $112 fee for 2 courses and credit report additional
** Certain restrictions apply for cases of fraud.
We Make Bankruptcy Hassle Free
Whether you have a hard case or many questions, my goal is to guide you through the bankruptcy process with no or minimal stress. I understand the hardship you experience because I practice bankruptcy law exclusively. It would be my privilege to represent you. I work with individuals and businesses just like you. Call today, do not delay, and learn your option. You don’t have to decide, just learn your options from the best-rated bankruptcy attorney and the winner of the Avvo Client Choice award.
Free Consultation with Attorney Kedikian
Free bankruptcy consultation with bankruptcy attorney Kedikian will provide you with detailed bankruptcy options whether for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. You will never be pressured to retain our law firm. We pride ourselves on providing prompt and cost-effective bankruptcy services to our clients. We do not want to charge just to give you information about your options. We only want to charge you if we can help.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
If you have been told by another attorney that you do not qualify for Chapter 7, make sure you talk to me. We have obtained Chapter 7 discharge for many clients who thought they did not qualify for Chapter 7. We have successfully represented clients through US trustee audits and independent auditors and obtained discharge to high-debt, high-income individuals. We only practice in Bankruptcy so we know how to use every deduction and expense to keep you in chapter 7 if that is to your advantage. Chapter 7 will allow you to wipe out all dischargeable debt. Chapter 7 is the preferred chapter to file under the bankruptcy code.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Chapter 13 is useful if you have a home facing foreclosure, and your goal is to keep your house. Let us analyze whether bankruptcy is right for you and under which chapter you are better protected. Call now and ask to talk with me the attorney.
Ready to learn more? Click Here to get an Estimate on how much it will cost to file your bankruptcy online.
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