Stop harassing phone calls from debt collectors by filing bankruptcy and begin taking control of your debt and finances. Debt collector Harassment is the highest reason debtors decide to file bankruptcy. Bankruptcy will immediately stop harassing phone calls and begin rebuilding your credit. You do not need to continue to suffer from harassing phone calls from creditors calling you at home or at work. We can help put an end to the phone calls, eliminate your credit card debt, and get you the fresh start you deserve.
There are bankruptcy alternatives on how to stop creditor calls. Filing Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy will create an automatic bankruptcy court order against all your creditors to stop any further collection or harassment. Any creditor who violates the bankruptcy stay order can be found in contempt of court and severely sanctioned by the court. We can help you decide which bankruptcy is better for you with our free no-obligation consultation. Chapter 7 is the more common bankruptcy that will eliminate all credit card debts without having to repay anything to your creditors. Chapter 13 can also eliminate credit card debts but will require you to pay back debts on your mortgage and vehicles. We can help stop harassing debt collectors and begin a legal process to eliminate your debt and rebuild your credit and future.
Stop Harassing Phone Calls from Costing You Your Job.
Collectors will call you at work and may even serve your employer with wage garnishment orders. This may cause your employer to resent having to deal with your financial issues. Take the initiative now and deal with the debt collectors before it’s too late. We have helped many debtors without having their employers involved in any way. Let us help you as well. We offer free consultations that will explain all your options, explain the bankruptcy process and quote you a flat fee that will deal with all issues that may arise in your bankruptcy including dealing with harassing debt collectors. Call now at 818 409 8911 and schedule your free appointment.